Baking with Feijoas: Wholemeal Feijoa & Ginger Cake

Feijoa fruiting season is eagerly anticipated by most people in the New Zealand and many backyards have a tree or three that drop the green fruit in a thick carpet from the trunk to the drip line.  Feijoas drop when they are ripe although they can be picked to help prevent bruising. Feijoas are also …

Honey Roasted Banana & Wholemeal Cake

One of the reasons I love Pinterest (actually that should probably be LOVE Pinterest) is that other people share their absolutely inspired and awesome ideas.  Ideas such as Roasted Bananas….. I have roasted all sorts of fruit: apples, rhubarb, apricots, peaches, pineapple….. but the idea of roasting bananas had never occurred to me.  Then I …

Roasted Pineapple & White Chocolate Mud Cake

Pineapple & chocolate are a perfect pairing and this delicious mud cake was inspired by a very Kiwi confectionery (Pineapple Lumps). White chocolate & pineapple give the cake a lovely golden-yellow colour.  Using a white chocolate that has cacao solids seems to make it easier to work with (and it tastes great).  Roasting the pineapple …

Mini Mocha Mud Mouthfuls

I created this recipe for our local newspaper before I discovered that a few of the products featured were to be discontinued by the store that advertises on the monthly food page.  Normally that would send my tail into a spin, but I had played around with a Chocolate & Peanut Butter version using a …

Spiced Apple & Walnut Cake

I received a cool little cookbook, Sweet treats to share, to review (read the review here).  As I do, I found the apple recipes and got out my pinny.  We had Annabelle White’s Sicilian Apple Cake for Sunday night pudding tea (more on that some other time) and that was as far as I had …

Apple Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

  First up – coffee cake is not coffee-flavoured cake (although coffee cake can be cake with coffee in it).  Wiki says coffee cake is cake intended to eat with coffee or on coffee break, a single layer cake either round, square or ring (tube) shaped or maybe even in the shape of a loaf …

A piece of cake: Lemon & Currant Cake

// Lemon & Currant Cake is a super easy, old-fashioned style cake that takes about 2 minutes to throw together, not including the resting or cooking time.  It tastes good with a glass of milk after a hard day at school; so good that it is hard to stop with just one piece.  The wholemeal …

Delicious Apple Cake

It is full on harvest time in our suburban wilderness.  The apple and pear trees are full of fruit ready for picking, the peaches are offering up the last of their season’s efforts and the late plums are almost losing their bloom while the citrus and feijoas are have little fruitlets on them.  Most of the …

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